Motivation to Exercise: The Endorphin High Makes You Happy

Finding the energy and motivation to exercise is not a unique problem.  We have all been plagued by guilt knowing we should exercise, but still lack the motivation to do so regularly.  One hack I’ve found to a regular exercise routine is focusing on the endorphin high as perfectly explained in Legally Blond (clip below). 

In general, exercise has been shown to improve mood, reduce stress, and increase overall health.  This contributes to our happiness, confidence, and leads to a more positive outlook.  Besides the many benefits of exercise, the release of endorphins can greatly increase immediate happiness.

Endorphins are chemical neurotransmitter that are released to reduce stress, relieve pain, and boost the mood.  While many refer to this feel-good feeling as the runner’s high, anyone can experience the amazing natural effects of endorphins to feel happier.  Read on for six tips for getting a good endorphin boost and some of the easiest activities you can start doing today.

How to get the endorphin high from exercise

  1. Studies show endorphins are released after 20-30 minutes of exercise.  But any amount of exercise is going to boost your mood and health
  2. Moderate-intensity exercise may be best.  Moderate intensity usually means you can talk, but you can get out of breath.  Usually linked to a heart rate zone 2 and above.
  3. Group exercises seem to provide a higher endorphin boost.  A 2010 study found that people experienced more of an endorphin boost when they exercised as part of a group than doing the same exercise alone. 
  4. Listening to music can also promote endorphin release.  Make sure it’s music you enjoy.   It can help motivate you get out the door and exercising longer.  Upbeat music promotes a positive mood and releases endorphins and dopamine.
  5. Laughter increases endorphins to your brain and stimulates the heart, lungs, and muscles.  Not only is a great stress reliever, but it can make exercise more enjoyable while giving you the mood boosting happy feelings. 
  6. To maximize the endorphin boost – get outside.  Sunlight has a lot of benefits beyond vitamin D.  Besides boosting endorphins levels, it’s good for boosting the production of melatonin and serotonin.   All these improve your mood, increase energy, and is good for your over-all health.

Easiest exercises for the biggest endorphin hit


Walking is one of the simplest and most accessible exercises nearly everyone can do.  You don’t need any special skills or equipment other than a good pair of comfortable shoes. 

To benefit fully, you will want to walk briskly to get the heart rate elevated to a moderate intensity level.  You can use a heart rate monitor and target zone 2 and higher or use the talk test to know if you are walking fast enough. 

Some smart watches and fitness trackers can be used to tracking a moderate intensity heart rate zone.  You can also see my article here to calculate the target heart rate yourself and track with either a heart rate monitor or checking your pulse. 

For the talk test, you should be able to talk, but not sing. If you can talk and sing without being out of breath than you are exercising at a lower intensity level.

Target to keep a moderate intensity level up for 20-30 minutes.  Walking outside has many benefits, but if the conditions are not ideal there are some great walking YouTube videos you can follow.  One of my favorites is this one here.


Running is also a simple and accessible exercise, but may take a bit more practice.  Like walking, you don’t need any special equipment other than a good pair of shoes.  FYI:  There is a reason why running shoes are their own line of sneakers.  If you are new to running or plan on running, see my article here.

If you choose to run, you will likely already be exercising at a moderate intensity.  It takes more skill and practice to run at a low intensity, but you may need to pace yourself to last the full 20-30 minutes.

If you are new to running or concerned about injury, a walk/run method to be ideal.  For beginners, walking 3-4 minutes and then running for 30 seconds to 1 minute may be best.  As your body adapts, you should be able to decrease the time spent walking and increase the time spent running.  See my article here for more tips on beginning to run.

I have found that a walk/run ratio of 30 seconds each keeps me in the ideal zone and injury free.  I can also exercise more frequently with less aches, pains, or other niggles.

Other Activities

Swimming, biking, dancing, mowing the lawn, or any other aerobic activity engaged in for 20-30 minutes will work.  Regularly doing an activity you enjoy AND that you can do at a moderate intensity level for the full 20-30 minutes is key. 

How to be happier while exercising

Exercise should be a little challenging, but it doesn’t have be a chore.  There are ways to enjoy exercising even if you haven’t in the past.  It involves both the mind and the body.

If you’ve ever found yourself singing along with your favorite song than I’m sure you can enjoy “exercising”.  After all, walking to your favorite tunes is basically exercising.  To get the endorphin hit, just be sure to walk a little faster.

In the modern world we live in, we can easily spend hours each week scrolling social media, watching TicTock and YouTube videos, or just surfing the internet.  Why not use some of that time to exercise at the same time!

Leverage technology to make exercising more fun and rewarding!   The best way to start exercising and get the full endorphin hit is to listen to songs you already enjoy listening to.  Choose ones that you know will get you walking at a little faster pace.

I like to listen to my favorite playlist while I’m walking or running around the neighborhood.  The most challenging part may be finding a good playlist.  I frequently use YouTube and just do a search for “workout music”. Click here for my favorite playlist.

You can also Listen to videos, podcasts, or audio books that make you laugh while exercising for an extra endorphin hit.  By combining walking with other activities, you will likely enjoy “exercising” a lot more.  Just to sure to keep up a brisk pace to get the most benefits.

Key Takeaways

We all know exercise is good for us, but many of us still need additional motivation.  Increased happiness is one of the best reasons to get moving due to the mood boosting benefits of endorphins.   

Moderate intensity activities such as brisk walking and running are some of the simplest activities we can do.  By combining these simple activities while you listen to YouTube or other media, you can be happier both during and after exercising.  We can all use a bit more happiness in our lives, can’t we😊

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